Ubuntu server gui install on our cloud server as remotely using nomachine software. try this method to easily install and setup all remote connection on system for free and access the full graphical user interface desktop view on sny device with nomachine client app.

Ubuntu Server

Now get the all information about Ubuntu server and how to install this on our system.

What is Ubuntu Server?

Ubuntu server is a personal cloud system for creating and managing all tasks. You can use the Ubuntu server as a virtual machine and use it remotely. Ubuntu server is the best cloud distro on Linux. You can purchase it from the cloud server providers. Ubuntu server is used to run the linux programs, cloud computing, create databases and host the cloud storage platform. 

If you are interested in creating your own site then you can purchase and use the cloud hosting with the cheapest price. You can purchase the cloud server from given companies.

Where to get the Ubuntu Server?

Also purchase the cloud server from the cloud computing provider companies like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Digitalocean and Oracle cloud. You can purchase the cloud server with a free tier. Check the given table to get the benefits from the cloud server.

Cloud Service ProviderCreditsBenifits
AWS 1 year free tier
Google Cloud 300$ Credits90 day credits
Microsoft Azure 200$ Credits1 month credits
Digitalocean200$ Credits2 months credits
Oracle Cloud300$ Credits1 month credits

From the given table if you can purchase the cloud server to host your wordpress or static site then you can use the Amazon Web Services because aws provides the 12 month free tier. You can host your site with a free tier plan. If you can purchase the server for testing the softwares and operating system then you can purchase the  server from the other cloud computing companies. In my case I can use the Digitalocean for Ubuntu server gui install. You can purchase the server from the given button and get the 200$ free credits on a DigitalOcean account for 90 days.

DigitalOcean Referral Badge

After creating your account go to your Digitalocean Dashboard Click on the create droplet button.

Choose Region

Select region when you can run your physical hardware system and network ip address. In my case I can use the New York data  center then my database is available in New York.

Choose Size

You can select your server’s ram and CPU Performance option. You can select the multi purpose plan. Here are three types of plans available. 

  1. Regular
  2. Intel
  3. AMD 

You can select any cpu vendor and select your plan  according to your budget. Here you can select the 4gb minimum ram plan for Ubuntu server gui install.

OS Marketplace

It is most useful step. here you can select the Ubuntu option with Latest released Ubuntu version.

Choose Authentication Method

By using this step you can login or connect to the Ubuntu server using SSH client. Here you can login with two types of options.

  1. Login with SSH key
  2. Password Authentication. 

You can select the password method and create a strong password.

Now click on the create option and create the droplet. you can wait about 5 minutes to complete the droplet creating process.

Access Ubuntu Server using SSH client

Now we can access the created droplet with an SSH Client. If you can use the windows operating system to open the command prompt. Put the following command to connect with SSH.

ssh root@drop.et_ip

In the droplet ip section you can put your ubuntu server ip address and hit enter key. Type yes to agree to the access. Now put your password and connect to the Ubuntu server. Now install Ubuntu gui from the given method.

Ubuntu server GUI install

Now follow all my steps for Ubuntu server gui install. It is an important part for Ubuntu server desktop access. Now add a new user on the server for gui access.

Add sudo user on Ubuntu server

Put the following command to add the new user on the Ubuntu server : 

adduser inet70

in my case my new user’s username is inet70 you can put your new user’s name at the inet70. now hit the enter key to add the new user.

Ubuntu server acd the new user

Create and verify your user’s password and fill out all the required information. Now we can successfully add the new user on the ubuntu server. Now we can give all permission to the new user to access anything. Now put the second one command to new added user do anything.

usermod -a -G sudo,adm inet70

After putting this command a new added user is ready to do anything on the Ubuntu server and perform the Ubuntu server gui installation process. Now we can install the Ubuntu desktop in the following way.

Install Ubuntu Desktop

Now we can convert the Ubuntu server core interface to Ubuntu desktop. Before starting this process now we can update and upgrade all ubuntu packages with following command : 

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Hit the enter key to start the Ubuntu server updating process. This process is taking about 5 minutes. you can wait. Install the Ubuntu desktop with following command :

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop -y

This process is taking about 10 minutes. In this process you cannot disconnect the Ubuntu SSH server from your local pc.

Access Ubuntu server gui

Now we can Access the Ubuntu server gui install using the nomachine software. You can download the nomachine software on Ubuntu server with following command :

wget https://download.nomachine.com/download/8.4/Linux/nomachine_8.4.2_1_amd64.deb

After complete the downloading process install the nomachine package by following Command :

sudo apt install ./nomachine_8.4.2_1_amd64.deb

Now allow the firewall rule to access the client view on the server.

sudo ufw allow 4000/tcp

Now reboot the Ubuntu server.

sudo reboot

Now Our Ubuntu desktop is ready to use. You can download and install the nomachine client app on your system. Open the app and put all your server information and connect to the server.

Ubuntu server gui

Now follow my steps to access this server from my smartphone. 

Access Ubuntu server gui from smartphone

It is simple method. you can just download the Nomachine app from play store or apple store. put your all details and connect to the Ubuntu server.

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